Liturgical Ministries

Assist in the Holy Mass

Fulfill your baptismal call to serve

A liturgical ministry is simply being involved with or assisting with the Mass. While the priest is the presider and main guide for the movement of the liturgy, it is a community effort to complete the Mass. Below are listed several ways you can use your gifts and talents to bring more beauty to the Mass.

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Cantors serve as the song leaders during the celebration of the eucharist, and, most importantly, proclaim the psalm during Mass. Musicians, both vocalists and instrumentalists are involved in many ways in the liturgical life of our parishes.

Extraordinary Ministers

Extraordinary ministers, since the early centuries of the Church, have taken Holy Communion to the sick and other shut-ins. They now join with the presiding priest to help distribute the body and blood of Christ to the assembly. Some of them still serve as ministers to the sick and shut-ins of our community.



Lectors proclaim the readings of the scripture during the celebration of the Mass and read the Responsial Psalm.

Hospitality Ministers

Hospitality ministers do much more than just seat people, take up the collection, and stand watch in case of emergency. They are the “open doors” to fellow worshipers; they welcome each new arrival and point them towards Christ.


Altar Servers

Altar servers must be after received their First Holy Communion to serve at our parish. These young people serve at weekend Masses, reconciliation services, and other liturgical celebrations, such as Stations of the Cross. Adults usually serve daily morning Mass. So, this is the one ministry that is open to persons of all ages!

Sound System and Projection

Sound system and projection operators make sure everyone can hear and participate in Mass, both in person and online.

English Group

Theresa Chuah

Tamil Group

Theresa Arigusamy

Bahasa Group


Church of the Holy Name of Mary is a Roman Catholic Church situated at Permatang Tinggi. Our mission is to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God to everyone. 
